Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hot Water Heater 1: Checkbook -850

Hot Water Heater

Hot Water Heater age 13 passed away peacefully at home on Wednesday, February 18, 2009. Heater was known throughout the Harris home as a fun loving tower of warmth and hard work. He supplied hot water to all faucets in the home and was generous in serving Dishwasher and Washing Machine as well. Many guests to the Harris home found that Heater was far too hot and often referred to him as an overachiever. This fueled Heater's work ethic even more, providing hot water even after Troll One Harris would take one of his infamous hour long showers. Heater is survived by his owners Tony Harris and Stacie Harris; and his trolls,Troll One, Troll Two and Troll 3. Funeral services will be arranged by Waste Management and visitation will be held at the White Goods Pile at the City Dump. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Harris House from Hell Fund.


Louise said...

Oh, honey. This is just TOOOO funny for a situation that I'm sure it nothing near funny!

shrink on the couch said...

No reincarnation as a smoker?

Reas Kroicowl said...

well, what can I say. Those of us experiencing death in our homes need a drink.

Here's to eternal salvation of all things furry and over achieving!

Stacie said...

phd- here in Georgia it has to be 55 gallons to become a smoker. I think it's law. Heater was only 50 poor sucker!

Reas- Hizahhh!! Where's that martini?

shrink on the couch said...

ah, I see.

poor, poor water heater. only one life to live.

therapydoc said...

It's sad, but what can you do?