We Decided to Separate!

Well, maybe the picture is bit of an exaggeration... No...Wait. That IS Tony's studio! I remember now. That's the day it flowed out of the windows and into the street. Ah, good times!
My favorite studio clutter are the boxes of "comps." The concept of "comps" in the comic book industry is an enigma to me. I am not quite certain why some artists get "comp"-plimentary copies of EVERY BOOK a publisher puts out each month and others do not. I think they send comps to the artists they want to punish the most. Oh, the artist loves to get them each month, but then they have to deal with the idea of disposing (God forbid!) or storing them. The 50 odd comic books are packaged in a neat box, oh, about 6" by 9" by 12". If you cannot yet tell, I have a particular dislike for these bundles of joy.
The doorbell rings and before I reach the door the UPS guy is back in his truck pulling away in a desperate rush. There on my porch is the bane of my existence... a little brown box. I am convinced that these boxes are sentient and can move at will (Perhaps the airholes and the "Quarantine" stamp should have given me a clue.).
When the studio was in our home, Tony would reassure me that "the comps are stacked neatly in the studio and out of the hallway." But then, as I would head through the hall to the front door, I would inevitably trip on one of these little cardboard monsters.... How did that box get from the studio to the hall? Spooooooky! I am seriously considering putting a call in to Ghost Hunters about this. If I tell them that the boxes are attacking my children while they sleep do you think Tango and Cash (or whatever their names are) would get here sooner?
Now, let's open that little box from hell....sloooowwwly now.... wait for it... inside is.... ANOTHER BOX!!!!! This one is slightly smaller and at a glance, seems slightly less menacing. But do not be fooled! You have reached the heart of the beast. It is filled with, ughh, dozens of comic books. Everything from Looney Tunes to badly drawn Superman comics (did I type that out loud?).
So, happily, both crumpled paper and complimentary comics are two doors down. My house is generally free of menacing small boxes and comic books. Tony is happy not to have to hear the constant struggle of homeschooling said 14 year-old, and life moves at a smoother pace. I shoulda' kicked my wonderful husband to curb years ago!
P.S. As for all of that "reference material," well, that will have to wait for another blog post.
maybe i could use the pages of those comps to cover up the huge giant holes in my walls
Shame, shame.
Starving children in Africa would probably love poorly drawn Superman comics.
Kick some of those comps my way, yo! I'll read ANYTHING.
And here I thought one could never get tired of little brown boxes on the front porch. But yeah, I get your point.
Oh.. and congrats on your Everyday Goddess award!
I gave you one of my post of the week awards!
~ Elise
slow panic- I'll buy the wall paper paste!
peeree3- Very true and Lucy is no better not finishing her carrots!
Keely- Welcome even if I am late saying it! Be careful what you wish for. These books are alive! ALIVE, I tell you!
phd-Now if the box says zappos.com on it, then I am ecstatic! Usually, it comic books tho..sigh!
Goddess-It's an honor! I'm sorry it's so late saying so!
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