NOTE: I read Tootsie Farklepants post at Vintage Thirty and became inspired to write this post. I had the math homework conversation last night with Son (see below). I hope she doesn't mind my comiserating with her but I had to vent and after reading her post, I felt so much less alone in the world of tween parenting.
I am SICK SICK SICK to death of the sense of entitlement that these shitbird (sorry, there goes that word again) kids have nowadays. (Oh God! I sound like my grandparents). Let me make it more clear with a few examples:
1. "It' not my fault."
Example: We're sitting at the table and son pulls out math homework and announces he has taken home the wrong math sheet. So I ask him about the unfinished mathsheet in his hand. Son says that was last night's homework. So, I blow a gasket and tell Son that he is not being responsible. So he gets upset and says, mind you,
seriously, " How is it my fault that I picked up the wrong math sheet?"
2. "What d'ya mean I...?!?"
Example: Son does not have cell phone. Occasionally, Son uses one of my cell phones when at the park, or going to functions outside of the home like sleepovers, etc. Son looses the cell phone we allowed him to use. We tell him that he will have to pay for the lost cell phone. "What d'ya mean I have to pay for it...I didn't mean to lose it!! That's unfair!"
3. "They (as in school teachers, administrators, etc.) can't do that to a kid!"
Example: My husband is an artist and I am sure that this does not help situation at all! Son goes to school and gets caught drawing in class. The teachers at his school are very accomadating to Son's skill in art and try to incorporate his abilities into school work. Hell! It's an arts magnet school! He get's two hours of art everyday! The rule however, is no drawing in class. Teacher takes son's art (after third time of warning) and pitches it into the trash. Son says to me when he gets in the car, "You need to go up to the principal's office and get her fired! They can't do that to a kid! It's my ART!!!"
SICK! SICK! SICK! does not even begin to cover the crap this child...yes, CHILD! is throwing my way. It's time for a COME TO JESUS MEETING!!
I disagree...Sometimes you do need a proctologist for a cerebral hemorrhage...I am the one hemorrhaging and he's the one who needs my foot up his butt!!