Sunday, November 15, 2009

I Am SOOOO Happy!

I went to The Blog Doctor and I figured out how to get just about everything back!! I am so very happy to see everything as it was. I didn't realize how attached I was to coming to this blog everyday and "sittin' a spell" as they say here in the South. It's like that sofa in the den that feels as if it cuddles you right back. I was really just sick when I had lost so much. It definitely wasn't worth a flashy new blog template, lemme tell ya! So I will stick with what's here and what I know for now, and hopefully let my writing be my creative outlet. Thanks for the group therapy!


Everyday Goddess said...

I never knew there was a blog doctor, thanks for the tip!

I'm always happy to sit a spell over here with you. Glad you got it back!

ethelmaepotter! said...

Been there, done that, but I never knew there was a blog doctor!

Happy for you that everything appears to be fine again.

Stacie said...

Thanks Ladies! I frrrreeeakkked out!! I was so sad. The template I chose was so pretty too but it just left out too much. As much as would like to be, I am not minimalist!

Mike said...

If you ever want to experiment, just create a test blog that you can work on and then when you figure everything out, you can apply it to your blog!

Stacie said...

Thanks Otin! That would have been the logical remedy. I just figured out that one can have more than one blog under a particular user name. It's sad. I can't even claim newby stupidity anymore!